OBJECTIVE: Busting Kangaroos. Then watch public sector crooks and LawLIARs pop out like Rabbits...
By, William Wagener October 25, 2009

Julie Witherspoon brings her documents, her marriage license showing a fraudulent statement of "1st" marriage, which actually it was for Julie, pregnant at 17 with her H.S. band teachers baby, but it was his 3, 4th or maybe 5th "marriage" resulting in 2 kids. Her friend, Larry has some pithy comments on Judge Fiorello's alleged "suicide", who sat on her case. Julie prepares to go to war against her ex-husband, as she prepares to go to WAR in Afghanistan, still suffering wounds from tour in Iraq. Wagener invites her Ex-husband, Danny Witherspoon, who currently teaches at age 65+ at Santa Ana Senior Valley H.S., to do his side of this mess, across from the El Monte, Ca. Police station. Suggesting Det. Wm Fetner may have some questions.

Studio Interview, of a G.I. Jane, braving the dangers of a WAR Zone, in Afghanistan to raise the money to pay some Greedy attorney to make right what other judges , attorneys already screwed up.

Her name is JULIE WITHERSPOON, and she was already injured in Iraq, now willing to risk death to get BONUS $ to pay an attorney to fight to get her kids away from her "lying" "pediaphile" ex-husband, the 65+ year old BAND teacher at Santa Ana Valley Senior High School, who has access to his two kids, while they are in CPS to "protect" them , but Julie who raised them for most of 10 y ears without her Ex -husband Danny Witherspoon, can't even get a phone call. Meanwhile others report the kids cried constantly after telephone contact was cut off. America, under Obama-Bush-Clinton Regime.... Makes you Proud
... or does it?

1 comment:

  1. This is very funny stuff....do you write for Saturday Night Live?
